Volunteer Positions

We are always looking for help during the baseball season.  Whether it be coaches, managers, equipment managers, umpires or just an extra hand from time to time.  We do require all volunteers to register and complete a criminal record check.  To register please follow the same link you would go to, to register your player.  There are a few questions to complete and waivers to sign but nothing major. 

For the criminal record check, please email edsonminorball@gmail.com and we will send you a letter that you can take down to the police station to get the process started for the check.  It generally takes about two weeks for the check to be completed and returned to you.  Once you receive it, if you can send us a copy/give us the copy.  We will have a coaches/volunteers meeting prior to the start of the season, we will communicate the date and time of this through email closer to the end of March.  It will also be posted on Facebook, Instagram and on our website.



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